Wednesday, January 16, 2013


Today I set out on a new adventure. One of discovery of the world around me, discovery of myself and my beliefs. Today, I enter into a world that many have entered before me, but is completely foreign to me, the world of blogging.
For years I have had a nagging desire to write. Just write. Maybe it would be something profound or maybe it would be something simple, it's hard to say. Maybe it would be something life changing for me or for someone else, I'm not really sure. The only thing I am sure about is the nagging. 
Before I get too carried away let me introduce myself. I am first and foremost a daughter of the King of Kings, (although I'm embarrassed to say I don't always act that way), secondly, I am wife to my husband of 15 years who is a music minister and nurse, and finally I am mom to 5 really great kids who someday will do great things for the kingdom. With those types of credentials I should have plenty to blog about! But so does the gal next door. And I guess that is the point for me.....
I'm really nothing special just a fellow sojourner on this journey called life. I'm the girl next door who sometimes gets it right but a lot of the times gets it wrong. I am simply one of seven irons in our household who are consistently being refined by the King of Kings. 
My hope through this blog is to bring hope to others just like me. Life is crazy, life is hectic and busy but life is also good. And its my faith in Christ that helps to hold it all together. 
So as I embark upon this journey may my life be "a fragrance of Christ to God among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing," (2 Corinthians 2:15)