Saturday, August 17, 2013

R & R Costa Rican Style

After a very long first week of some major adjustments, we were blessed to have a long weekend of some much needed R&R. 

Classes for me let out early on Thursday, (August 8) allowing for us to start our weekend on Friday. Prior to coming to Costa Rica we had made arrangements to travel to Manuel Antonio, a national park and beach. Originally we were going to take public transportation, but following a hectic week of adjustments, we decided it best to hire a private driver.

Our driver picked us up Friday morning at 9:00 and drove us the three and a half hours to our hotel. We stayed at a very nice place called Costa Verde. Upon arrival we decided to head up the hill to the nearest restaurant. While we were eating it began to rain and then pour! The rain refused to let up so we left the restaurant any way and made the treck back to our hotel. By the time we got there we were all soaked! But what an experience! It's rare to find a warm down pour in Montana. The kids of course "soaked" up every minute of it, jumping through puddles, laughing and enjoying the wonder of the rain. It continued to rain/pour for the rest of the evening spoiling the chance to do any outside activities.

Saturday morning greeted us with warm sunshine. Not wanting to waste a minute of it, we arose early and walked into Manuel Antonio. We found a public beach access and walked the length of the beach until we reached the town. It was of course beautiful!

We then spent the morning walking through the national park. Here in Costa Rica we have really been able to experience Gods great design in nature. We had to take our time walking through the park, searching for creatures. Insects, snakes and animals are amazingly camouflaged. We were fortunate enough to spy large spiders, a bright yellow snake, sloths, lizards, crabs, raccoons and of course monkeys! After our walk through the park we spent the rest of the day on the beach. There's something captivating about the ocean. As many times as the waves rush in and out, it never grows tiring. The kids rarely ventured out of the water except to bring ashore the treasures they had found. Sea shells, sand dollars and misc items that had been brought closer by the tide. 

Sunday morning we were once again greeted with beautiful sunshine. We enjoyed a traditional Costa Rican breakfast of eggs, toast, rice, beans, and sweet fried plantains. We also enjoyed the company of monkeys playing just off the balcony as we ate. Knowing our driver would be returning for us in the afternoon, we were careful not to venture to far from the hotel. So, the kids spent the morning swimming in the pool, while I worked on homework for the upcoming week. Just before noon we received notice that our driver would not be coming at 3:30 as we had originally planned, but that he had been delayed by traffic and would arrive at about 4:30. 4:30 came and went along with another notice of his arrival time changing to 6:00. We passed the time by writing post cards, shopping in the gift shop, and touring one of the hotel's amazing rooms, a refurbished airplane! However, we were so grateful when our driver finally arrived. The kids were troopers, waiting all those hours. All in all it was a wonderful weekend and we felt so blessed to be able to get away and relax. 

"He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." Isaiah 40:29-31

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