Monday, January 13, 2014

The Challenge of 7: Clothing

Monday, January 13, 2014
Week 1:Clothing Challenge

    My history with fashion and clothing has always been a love/hate relationship. I would "love" to look cute and trendy, but I very much dislike shopping and spending money on clothing. I would "love", to love peruseing the mall, window shopping and trying on clothes, but I could think of a thousand better ways to spend my time. I would "love" to have the ability to put together outfits and look stylish and cute, but the truth is I am a terrible failure at it!
    But at the end of the day, I'm ok with this. I admire those that have a love and knack for fashion. I love my close friends that are "cute and trendy." And I know most of all that if I really wanted help, one of them would be willing to take me shopping and help me look fabulous!
So when it came time for me to choose my 7 articles of clothing for the next month, I thought to myself, "easy peasy lemon squeezy!" Well, it wasn't as easy as I thought! But after trying some things on, I finally came up with my list:

1 pair of navy dress pants
1 pair of jeans with a belt
1 red lace cami
1 gray sweater
l sweat shirt (cause I'm always cold)
1 pair of sweat pants
1 t-shirt
shoes: tennis shoes/dress shoes

    Ok, so there's my list! And yes there are 8 things listed. Here is my logic. I work two days a week outside of the home, so I need  professional work attire, that I wouldn't necessarily wear inside the home. So the jeans and t-shirt are for hanging out at home. Shoes, again I need something to go to work in that  I wouldn't  wear around the house or use for running errands. (Plus, the author of the book allowed herself two pairs of shoes!) And then there is the issue of under garments and pajamas! Of course I'm not counting those because, well.....I think everyone understands why! I have also automatically included a coat and gloves in my wardrobe because, well, its winter in Montana and it is something that is not optional!

Things I am leaving out this month are: 

Extra accessories
Jewelry (accept my wedding band)
Scarves (which I did strongly consider)

    So for the next month if you pass me on the street and I'm wearing the same thing I wore the day before please know that I have not succumbed  to utter laziness, but am simply experimenting  with a mutiny against excess!


  1. Your blog is very interesting, Jennifer. Yes, almost all of us have way too much excess! I'm not sure if I could have only 7 outfits in a month although I wear the same outfit every day at home! Have fun

  2. I think you are much more "cute & trendy" than you give yourself credit for! You definitely have an eye for coordinating your family's clothing in pictures and such. You guys always look amazing:-)
